Entity Framework Core 6 eager loading include too many level

After upgrading my project to EF Core 6, I have a strange behaviour:

I have two classes in my dbcontext with a many-to-many relation - like this:

public class SiteImage
    public int siteImageId { get; set; }
    public string siteImageUrl { get; set; }
    public ICollection<SiteImageCategory> categories { get; set; }

public class SiteImageCategory
    public int siteImageCategoryId { get; set; }
    public string name { get; set; }
    public ICollection<SiteImage> images { get; set; }

They are mapped to tables in DBContext

public DbSet<SiteImage> images { get; set; }
public DbSet<SiteImageCategory> categories { get; set; }

If I want to retrieve all images with this code:

var images = await _context.images.ToListAsync();

I have get the list of images with all categories = null and and that's what I expected.

But if I want to include categories using eager loading, like this:

var images = await _context.images
                           .Include(x => x.categories)

I get the list with categories, but any category includes all related images, with a related categories in an infinite loop (stopped by ReferenceHandler.IgnoreCycles setting).

I would have expected the code to stop at the category level, according to include statement.

What am I doing wrong?


Solution 1:

I would have expected to stop at the category level, according to include stantment.

It did. However when each SiteImageCategory is loaded, if its SiteImage is already in the change tracker, the relationship will be "fixed up". So if you load all the SiteImages you will already have each SiteImageCategory's SiteImages in the Change Tracker, and the inverse navigation property collection will be populated.