Export module components in Python

In Julia, it is possible to export a function (or a variable, struct, etc.) of a module, after which it can be called in another script without the namespace (once it has been imported). For example:

# helpers.jl
module helpers

function ordinary_function()
# bla bla bla

function exported_function()
# bla bla bla

export exported_function()
# main.jl
using .helpers

#we have to call the non-exported function with namespace

#but we can call the exported function without namespace

Is this feature available in Python?

Solution 1:

In Julia two modules can export the same function and Julia will automatically detect such an issue, i.e. even if you export them they will not overwrite each other:

julia> module A
       export x
       x() = "a"

julia> module B
       export x
       x() = "b"

julia> using .A, .B

julia> x()
WARNING: both B and A export "x"; uses of it in module Main must be qualified

That is why in Julia the common practice is to do using not import.

In Python doing an equivalent is considered to be a bad practice in production code.

As a side comment: another relevant difference between Julia and Python is that in Julia module concept is detached from the files/directory structure. You can have many modules in one file or you can have many files that form a single module.

Solution 2:

In Python importing is easier than this:

# module.py
def foo(): pass

# file.py
from module import foo

# file2.py
from file import foo

This works with classes too.

In Python you can also do something like this:

import module
# You have to call like this:

When you import a module, all the functions the module imported are considered part of the module. Using the example below:

# file.py
import module

# file2.py
import file
# or...
from file import module
# ...or...
from file.module import foo

Notice that in Python the export is not needed.

Look at the documentation: no export keyword exists in Python.