How to turn an integer into vector and then turn that vector into string in C++

Solution 1:

The easiest is : std::to_string(yourNum);

If you do need the steps:

std::vector<int> res;

int num;
std::cin >> num;


and then

std::stringstream result;
std::copy(res.begin(), res.end(), std::ostream_iterator<int>(result, ""));

Solution 2:

Since you insist on placing the integers in a vector first and then converting them to string later (when needed?), this can be a solution:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

int main( )
    std::string number;
    std::cin >> number;

    std::vector<int> numbers;
    numbers.reserve( number.length( ) );

    for ( const auto digit : number )
        numbers.push_back( digit - '0' );

    std::cout << "\nElements of vector: ";

    for ( const auto digit : numbers )
        std::cout << digit << ' ';

    std::cout << "\nElements of vector converted to `std::string`: ";

    for ( const auto num : numbers )
        std::string num_str { std::to_string( num ) };
        std::cout << num_str << ' ';

    std::cout << '\n';

Sample I/O:


Elements of vector: 1 2 3 4
Elements of vector converted to `std::string`: 1 2 3 4

Solution 3:

Here you are:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>

int main() {
    int n;
    std::cin >> n;
    std::vector<int> split(static_cast<int>(std::log10(n)) + 1);
    auto royal_10 = split.rbegin();
    auto cpy{ n };
    do {
        *royal_10++ = cpy % 10;
    } while ((cpy /= 10) != 0);
    std::string ret;
    std::transform(split.cbegin(), split.cend(), std::back_inserter(ret),
        [](int const dig) { return dig + '0'; });
    return 0;