fatal error: studio.h: no such file or directory

I'm trying to learn how to program in C. I'm simultaneously learning C, C++, & Java. I have also coded in html and javascript successfully making rich websites. I'm following video lessons on skillshare. Through VirtualBox I've set up a ubuntu installation, created lesson001.c, and attempted to compile it by entering "gcc lesson001.c"

The program:

#include <studio.h>
int main(){
printf("hello, world!\n");
return 0;

The error:

lesson001.c:1:10 fatal error: studio.h: no such file or directory.

The instructor is walking through the coding lesson on a pre-configured linux system, so he does have the same errors. It is frustrating that a comprehensive paid lesson set does not include critical setup parameters.

additional info: "gcc -v" returns about 20 lines of information on gcc 9.3.0, so I believe it is installed correctly.

Thank you

Change the #include <studio.h> declaration to #include <stdio.h>. A header file named studio.h does not exist in the standard library.