REST API to Pandas

I'm a complete beginner trying to learn how to use APIs to pull data then analyze that data. I was able to send a request to receive a csv which returned a 200 status code and prints correctly, but I can't seem to read it into a pandas DF. What am I doing wrong?

request = requests.get(host + endpoint + key, params={'format':'csv'})
df = pd.read_csv(request.text, sep=',')

Error message is ValueError: Protocol not known: contract_decimals,contract_name,contract_ticker_symbol,contract_address,logo_url,last_transferred_at,type,balance,balance_24h,quote_rate,quote_rate_24h,quote,quote_24h,nft_data,supports_erc_0,supports_erc 18,"","","0x82dfdb2ec1aa6003ed4acba663403d7c2127ff67","https

I'd love to know what I'm doing wrong but also would love to know where I can go to learn more about using API data from pandas to construct a dashboard (something a little more structured than the docs would be great!)

Solution 1:

You're using the pd.read_csv function incorrectly.

Looking at the docs...

pandas.read_csv(filepath_or_buffer, sep=NoDefault.no_default, ...

Parameters filepath_or_bufferstr, path object or file-like object Any valid string path is acceptable

The first argument of the read_csv function accepts a filepath or buffer. You are passing it a string object that you obtained from the api response request.text.

Try this instead. Inspired from this StackOverflow thread

from io import StringIO
request = requests.get(host + endpoint + key, params={'format':'csv'})
df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(request.text), sep=',')

You can refer to this documentation on the requests library you're using.

Depending on what API you're using, you should be easily able to coerce the API response into a pandas DataFrame using the standard functions available in pandas.

  • read_csv
  • read_json

The pandas documentation is pretty comprehensive and has good Getting Started docs too.