How to get line break char (\n) in Vue 3 slots content?

I am trying to migrate a Vue 2 component to Vue 3. The idea is like a "ln2br" ("ln2p" actually) for Vue.


  This is the line 1.
  This is the line 2.
  This is the line 3.

Should render:

  <p>  This is the line 1.</p>
  <p>  This is the line 2.</p>
  <p>  This is the line 3.</p>

This is the Vue 2 code of my working component MyLinebreaker.vue:

    <p v-for="(line, index) in lines" :key="index">{{ line }}</p>

export default {
  computed: {
    lines () {
      const slot = this.$slots.default
      const text = slot ? slot[0].text : ''

      return text.split('\n')

The Slots API had changes in Vue 3, so I am trying to rewrite my lines computed to:

export default {
  computed: {
    lines () {
      const slot = this.$slots.default
      const text = slot ? slot()[0].children : ''

      return text.split('\n')

But it is rendering wrong (all lines in one) because .children does not contain the \n char.

  <p>  This is the line 1. This is the line 2. This is the line 3.</p>

So, how can I get the text content with \n char in Vue 3?

Change the compilerOptions.whitespace to preserve in Vue, as related here.

app.config.compilerOptions.whitespace = 'preserve'

See Vue 3 docs for more details: