changing a forms action attribute dynamically in a go template

Currently the forms action attribute is hardcoded to the id=2

How would I dynamically set it to the ID chosen by the user when pressing submit.

enter image description here

<p>Select a group</p>

      <form method="POST" action="/artists/id?id=2">
      <label for="selection">Artists:</label>
      <select id="selection" name="selection">
            <option value=1>Queen</option>
            <option value=2>Pink Floyd</option>
            <option value=3>Scorpions</option>
      <input type = "submit" value ="submit" />

Go template:

<p>Select a group</p>
      <form method="POST" action="/artists/id?id=2">
      <label for="selection">Artists:</label>
      <select id="selection" name="selection">
            {{range .}}
            <option value={{.Id}}>{{.Name}}</option>
      <input type = "submit" value ="submit" />

Solution 1:

Used form method="GET" and made the changes suggested by @cerise