Android Language change using JetPack Compose

Solution 1:

The problem many developers make when starting out with Compose is believing that when a recomposition occurs, everything within the composable will get recomposed. This isn't true. Compose looks at the composable signature and tries to determine if anything changes from the last time it was called. Only when the parameter values change will the function be called. In the source code you posted on Github, it didn't include a button or outline text field to demonstrate the problem, so I added one. When you add a button like this:

Button(onClick = {}) {
     Text("Do Something")

the Text composable inside of the Button will only be called when the initial composition occurs. But when the Button is recomposed, the Text will not be recomposed because the last parameter in the Button function hasn't changed. Lambda functions don't change. In regard to your case, changing the language does initiate a recomposition of the button, but because the last parameter does not change, the content inside of the lambda (in this example, the Text composable) will never be called. To get around this, one solution is to make the string resource that is used by the Text composable mutable. Anything that is mutable will automatically cause any composable that uses it to recompose.

The following code is what I took from your Github project and added a button. Notice how the string resource id is made mutable and this mutable state is used inside the Text:

fun LanguageContentPortrait(
    selectedPosition: Int,
    onLanguageSelected: (Int) -> Unit
) {
    val buttonTextResId by remember { mutableStateOf(R.string.hello) }

        LocalLayoutDirection provides
                if (LocalConfiguration.current.layoutDirection == LayoutDirection.Rtl.ordinal)
                else LayoutDirection.Ltr
    ) {
            modifier = Modifier
            horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally
        ) {

            Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(100.dp))
            ToggleGroup(selectedPosition = selectedPosition, onClick = onLanguageSelected)
            Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(60.dp))
                modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
                horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally,
                verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Center
            ) {
                    text = stringResource(id = R.string.content),
                    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
                    textAlign = TextAlign.Center

                Button(onClick = {}) {

So anywhere you use trailing lambda expressions including click event handlers and you need language-dependent changes to occur, you will need to add mutable states to those resources inside those lambdas as shown above.

Even though the solution above works, I can't recommend using it. Most apps will have a lot of language dependent components and having to create a mutable state for every resource string would be a pain. A better solution is to force your entire app to recompose whenever the language changes. Since Compose-only apps are generally only a single activity, it will cause the entire app to recompose. This will ensure that all screens recompose and force all the Text composables to recompose without the need to have a mutable state for each one. There are different ways you can force your app to recompose the entire UI tree. Unfortunately, Compose does not contain an API that lets you recompose the entire tree from scratch, so the only real solution is to restart the app.

Since your app is designed to work with device configuration changes such as language changes, you might want to check out a Compose framework I developed that was specifically designed to handle device configuration changes. It's called Jetmagic. It not only handles language changes but all the other changes like screen orientation, screen size, screen density and all the other configuration qualifiers that are used with the older view-based system. Jetmagic allows you to treat your composables like resources instead of just a bunch of functions and it handles them in the exact same way xml resources are handled under the view-based system using the same algorithm. The sample app included also shows how changing the device's system language (under Android's settings) or by changing the language programmatically, causes your composable UIs to recompose rendering the content in the correct language: