Powershell Foreach where-object -eq value

If I import a csv of computer names $computers that looks like this


and import another csv of data $data that looks like this

Host        OS         HD    Capacity Owner
----        --         --    ------   -----
Computer20  Windows7   C      80      Becky
Computer1   Windows10  C      80      Tom
Computer1   Windows10  D      100     Tom
computer5   Windows8   C      100     sara
computer5   Windows8   D      1000    sara
computer5   Windows8   E      1000    sara

Im trying to do this

foreach ($pc in $computers){
                          $hostname = $pc.host
                          foreach ($entry in $data | where {$enty.host -eq $hostname})
                              {write-host "$entry.Owner"}

The foreach statement isn't finding any matches. How can I fix this? Im trying to do more than just write the owner name but, this is the basic premise

Thanks! Steve

Replace $enty with $_ inside the Where-Object filter block:

foreach ($entry in $data |Where-Object {$_.host -eq $hostname}){
  Write-Host $entry.Owner