Matching a Comma Separated List within Brackets

If I understand what you are looking for, try:


See RegEx Demo

  1. [-~] Matches '-' or '~'.
  2. \s* Matches zero or more whitespace characters.
  3. \[ Matches '['.
  4. (?P<CAST>[^\]]*) Matches 0 or more characters that are not ']' and captures them in named capture group CAST.
  5. \] Matches ']'.

So the above will capture whatever is between the '[' and ']' characters following a '-' or '~' whether those characters contain commas or not. You cannot have 3 capture groups identically named CAST. If you want the individual components of the cast, you will have to do it with string splitting:

import re

s = '(Studio) - Title (Year) ~ [Cast1, Cast2, Cast 3]'
m ='[-~]\s*\[(?P<CAST>[^\]]*)\]', s)
if m:
    cast ='CAST')
    print re.split(r',\s*', cast)


['Cast1', 'Cast2', 'Cast 3']

If you were running Python 3, you could install the regex module from the PyPi repository, which has far more capabilities then the builtin re module, and then you could execute:

import regex

s = '(Studio) - Title (Year) ~ [Cast1, Cast2, Cast 3]'
for m in regex.finditer(r'(?:[-~]\s*\[|\G(?!\A))\K\s*(?P<CAST>[^,\]]*)(?:[,\]])', s):


Cast 3

But what does that buy you?