Random Dice Project using PIC18

Solution 1:

[PIC18] PC=0x0000. $MCLR$ is low. Processor is in reset. [U1]

#pragma config MCLRE=OFF

Not all simulators support the microcontroller configuration (#pragma config).

I even found a forum entry on the Microchip website that this may not work with real microcontrollers!

"$MCLR$ is low. Processor is in reset." means that your simulator does not care about the #pragma config MCLRE=OFF line.

You have a lot of unused pins. I would use a different pin (e.g. RE0 instead of RE3).

Personally, I would also not change the controller configuration of a real microcontroller (#pragma config) unless it is really necessary:

If something goes wrong, you may brick the microcontroller and it cannot be used any longer.