Zoom An Image ( Android Studio )

Ok So I Have An Image Which Can Zoomed In And Out , But After Zooming It In ( By Pinching ) The Image Automatically Goes Back The Its Original Dimensions , What I Want Is That The Image Should Stay Zoomed In After I Zoom In And Take My Hand Off The Screen

For Example :- When You Zoom In An Image In Gallery The Image Stays Zoomed In Unless You Zoom Out

Zoomy.Builder builder=new Zoomy.Builder(getActivity)).target(big).animateZooming(false).enableImmersiveMode(false); builder.register();

Do I Have To Use Some Other Library Or Some Other Method ?

You can use this library. This is the perfect library according to your requirement. You can also apply zoom in/out for video.


You can try PhotoView library as suggested in the 1st answer of this question.