Python: Get last row from Pandas Data Frame

I'm trying to use some financial functions written in Python which return a Panda Data Frame.

The following function returns a Panda Data Frame:

from yahoo_fin import stock_info as si

data = si.get_data("ENEL.MI", start_date="01/21/2022 8:00", end_date="01/21/2022 16:30",index_as_date=False, interval="1d")

Here is what I get if I print data:

        date   open   high    low  close  adjclose    volume   ticker
0 2022-01-21  6.976  6.993  6.855  6.905     6.905  33639775  ENEL.MI
1 2022-01-21  6.976  6.993  6.855  6.905     6.905  35419140  ENEL.MI

I'd like to collect just the last row from the DataFrame (the row with number "1") So, I've tried with:

lastrow = data.tail()

However I still get the same result (the whole DataFrame is printed). I'm a bit puzzled. Is there a way to get just the last row? Thanks a lot

You have to specifies the number of rows you want to get. So for your case it would be data.tail(1) to print only the last row. The default value is to print 5 rows, that's why you see your full dataframe with 2 rows.