How to target the keys in this object

I have a function which makes an API request:

dates = []

def getIntraday():

    api_url = f''

    r = requests.get(api_url)
    data = r.json()



This returns something like:

  'Meta Data': {
    '1. Information': 'Daily Time Series with Splits and Dividend Events',
    '2. Symbol': 'TSCO.LON',
    '3. Last Refreshed': '2022-01-21',
    '4. Output Size': 'Full size',
    '5. Time Zone': 'US/Eastern'
    'Time Series (Daily)': {
        '2022-01-21': {
        '1. open': '285.9',
        '2. high': '288.75',
        '3. low': '285.15',
        '4. close': '288.75',
        '5. adjusted close': '288.75',
        '6. volume': '14339516',
        '7. dividend amount': '0.0000',
        '8. split coefficient': '1.0'
        '2022-01-20': {
        '1. open': '289.0',
        '2. high': '289.1',
        '3. low': '286.475',
        '4. close': '287.3',
        '5. adjusted close': '287.3',
        '6. volume': '15573050',
        '7. dividend amount': '0.0000',
        '8. split coefficient': '1.0'

my question is how do I get to the Time Series (Daily) object? Something like:


Giving me:

'Time Series (Daily)': {
            '2022-01-21': {
            '1. open': '285.9',
            '2. high': '288.75',
            '3. low': '285.15',
            '4. close': '288.75',
            '5. adjusted close': '288.75',
            '6. volume': '14339516',
            '7. dividend amount': '0.0000',
            '8. split coefficient': '1.0'
            '2022-01-20': {
            '1. open': '289.0',
            '2. high': '289.1',
            '3. low': '286.475',
            '4. close': '287.3',
            '5. adjusted close': '287.3',
            '6. volume': '15573050',
            '7. dividend amount': '0.0000',
            '8. split coefficient': '1.0'

Here's my error:

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
~\AppData\Local\Temp/ipykernel_3356/ in <module>
     10     print(data[1])
---> 12 getIntraday()

~\AppData\Local\Temp/ipykernel_3356/ in getIntraday()
      8     data = r.json()
---> 10     print(data[1])
     12 getIntraday()

KeyError: 1

I need to compare high/low prices of a bunch of different times and I'm struggling to even be able to access the high low data in the object.

You can access the part you want this way, and not by index (like you did in the code snippet)

data["Time Series (Daily)"]