Initiate function on page load

That is because when you're calling fetchData() in useEffect, no argument is being provided to the function. Yet in the function you are expecting the first argument to be present and calling it with e.preventDefault(). Since e will be undefined, attempting to access a key/property inside undefined will throw an error.

There are two solutions:

  1. Only invoke functions stored in e when it is not undefined
  2. Write a separate handler for the click event binding

Solution 1: Use optional chaining

By first checking if e is null or undefined, we can prevent attempting to access a key/property on it:

function fetchData(e) {
    // Additional fetching logic

If you want to also support browsers that do not support optional chaining, then using the logical AND operand (&&) to perform lazy evaluation / short-circuiting will also work:

function fetchData(e) {
    e && e.preventDefault();
    // Additional fetching logic

Solution 2: Separate event handlers for button

Remove e from your fetchData function completely:

function fetchData() {
    // Additional fetching logic

...and prevent the default event at the level of the click handler:

const onClick = (e) => {

<button type="button" onClick={onClick}>Get data</button>