Find the number of days since a max value

You can use a double groupby. The important part is to compute a new group to put together the rows that are lower than the last max. Once you have done that this is a simple cumsum per group:

g = df.groupby(df['player'])
# date diff per group (days)
diff = g['match_date'].diff().dt.days
# group per lower than last max
group = df['stat'].ge(g['stat'].cummax()).shift().cumsum()
# days since last max
df['dsms'] = diff.groupby([df['player'], group]).cumsum()


   id  player match_date  stat  dsms
0   1       1 2022-01-01  1500   NaN
1   2       1 2022-01-03  1600   2.0
2   3       1 2022-01-10  2100   7.0
3   4       1 2022-01-11  1800   1.0
4   5       1 2022-01-18  1700   8.0
5   6       2 2022-01-01  1600   NaN
6   7       2 2022-01-03  1800   2.0
7   8       2 2022-01-10  1600   7.0
8   9       2 2022-01-11  1900   8.0

First imagine you have only one id, then you can use expanding to find the cummulative max/idxmax. then you can subtract:

def day_since_max(data):
    maxIdx = data['stat'].expanding().apply(pd.Series.idxmax)
    date_at_max = data.loc[maxIdx, 'match_date'].shift()
    return data['match_date'] - date_at_max.values

Now, we can use groupby().apply to apply that function for each id:

df['days_since_max'] = df.groupby('player').apply(day_since_max).reset_index(level=0, drop=True)


   id  player match_date  stat days_since_max
0   1       1 2022-01-01  1500            NaT
1   2       1 2022-01-03  1600         2 days
2   3       1 2022-01-10  2100         7 days
3   4       1 2022-01-11  1800         1 days
4   5       1 2022-01-18  1700         8 days
5   6       2 2022-01-01  1600            NaT
6   7       2 2022-01-03  1800         2 days
7   8       2 2022-01-10  1600         7 days
8   9       2 2022-01-11  1900         8 days
9  10       2 2022-01-18  1500         7 days