Multiplying large number of pandas column to each other

I have a dataframe df as follows:

Col1    Col2    Col3
1      4        6
2      5        7
3      6        8

I want to get the following:

Col1    Col2    Col3    Mult
1       4       6       24
2       5       7       70
3       6       8       144

where df['Mult'] = df['Col1']*df['Col2']*df['Col3']

Except in my case I have about 50 columns Col1, Col2, ..Col50.

So, using the following method is going to be very tedious df['col1'].multiply(df['Col2'], axis=1)

Is there a faster way? I am trying to avoid using the apply method for each row as I think that will be very slow as my dataframe has about 1 million rows.

Use prod:

df['Mult'] =

Or if a subset of columns:

df['Mult'] = df[['Col1', 'Col2', 'Col3']].prod(1)


   Col1  Col2  Col3  Mult
0     1     4     6    24
1     2     5     7    70
2     3     6     8   144

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({"Col1":[1,2,3],

df["Mult"] =



    Col1    Col2    Col3    Mult
0   1       4       6       24
1   2       5       7       70
2   3       6       8       144

You can also use

df['Mult'] =, axis=1)