OPA/rego result is true even if a comparison evaluates to false

I just started to use OPA, so there is a high chance I'm doing something wrong.

I have the following input:

  "request": {
    "principalId": "user1",
    "scope": "/workspaces/1/environments/dev/deployments/123",
    "requiredPermissions": [

I want to make sure, the user has all requiredPermissions. I already have the required variable:

#// this is opa/rego value

"principal_roles_at_requested_scope": [

This should set allow to false, as Foo.Bar is not in the principal_roles_at_requested_scope set, but it gets evaluated to true:

allow {
    some i
    input.request.requiredPermissions[i] in principal_roles_at_requested_scope

This on the other hand works, but can't be used obviously:

allow {
    input.request.requiredPermissions[0] in principal_roles_at_requested_scope
    input.request.requiredPermissions[1] in principal_roles_at_requested_scope


thanks to this this I've figured it out.

That's how solved it:

any_missing_permissions {
    some v in input.request.requiredPermissions
    not v in principal_roles_at_requested_scope

allow {
    #// Each permission required in the request has to be available
    #// at the requested scope
    not any_missing_permissions