React Router: Conditional redirect if not query parameter present

I am trying to do a conditional redirect, if there is no 'state' query parameter in the url, I want to redirect to an error page.

I am trying to do it in my App.tsx. Since at this point I can not use the hook: useLocation or useHistory, I am getting the query parameter using:

export default function App(): JSX.Element {

  const urlQuery = new URLSearchParams(;
  const stateParam = urlQuery.get('state');


  {!stateParam && <Redirect to="/error?state=1" />}
  <Route path="/" exact component={HomeScreen} />
  <Route path="/t1" exact component={T1Screen} />
  <Route path="/t4" exact component={T4Screen} />
  <Route path="/t2" exact component={T2Screen} />
  <Route path="/t3" exact component={T3Screen} />
  <Route path="/error" exact component={ErrorScreen} />

It's working, but:

  1. is there a way to do the verification per route (without doing it inside in each screen file)?, because there are a couple new pages coming which will not need to have state param, also error screen should not need state param.

  2. I would like to keep the verification in one place, either in App.tsx or in another file

Solution 1:

Yes. Since it seems you are using react-router-dom v5 you can create a custom Route component that does this check for you and conditionally renders the routed component or a redirect.


import { Redirect, useLocation } from 'react-router-dom';

const StateParamRoute = props => {
  const { search } = useLocation();
  const urlQuery = new URLSearchParams(search);
  const stateParam = urlQuery.get('state');

  return stateParam ? <Route {...props} /> : <Redirect to="/error?state=1" />;

Use the StateParamRoute for the routes you want this check to occur.

    <StateParamRoute path="/t1" component={T1Screen} />
    <StateParamRoute path="/t4" component={T4Screen} />
    <StateParamRoute path="/t2" component={T2Screen} />
    <StateParamRoute path="/t3" component={T3Screen} />
    <Route path="/error" component={ErrorScreen} />
    <Route path="/" component={HomeScreen} />