How can I get the last item in every list from a column of lists in R?

I have a column of lists in a dataframe in R that I got from simply splitting pagepaths by "/".

search_console_data$page_title_ <- str_split(search_console_data$page, "/")

I'm wondering if there is a straightforward way to derive the last item from each list into a seperate column or the same one. I'm looking to isolate the page title from url. The dataframe looks like this:

1 page_title_
a c("https:", "", "", "")
b c("https:", "", "", "")

I've seen solutions like this: rev(x)[1] x[length(x)] and wasn't sure how to apply correctly. Thanks in advance!

Solution 1:

As it is a list, use lapply/sapply/map to loop over the list and get the last

df1$new <- sapply(df1$page_title_, tail, 1)

If the last element is blank (""), subset to return the non-blank last element

df1$new <- sapply(df1$page_title_, \(x) tail(x[x != ""], 1))

Or using tidyverse

df1 <- df1 %>%
    mutate(new = map_chr(page_title_, last))

non-blank last element

df1 <- df1 %>%
        mutate(new = map_chr(page_title_, ~ last(.x[.x != ""])))