Cannot input text in text field from LiveComponent
Solution 1:
As explained in the documentation about the form binding: "to handle real-time form validation and saving, your template would use both phx_change and phx_submit bindings"
However, if you only need to "save", you can just use phx-submit.
To use plain HTML, it has to use the proper id and name as follows.
<form id="auth-form" method="post" phx-submit="save">
<div class="intro">
<p>Fill the Cookie and token. Lorem Ipsum.</p>
<label for="auth-form_cookie">Cookie: </label>
<input type="text" id="auth-form_cookie" name="auth[cookie]"/>
<label for="auth-form_token">Token: </label>
<input type="text" id="auth-form_token" name="auth-form[token]"/>
<button phx-disable-with="Saving..." type="submit">Save</button>
The button must be inside the form tags.
If you need a hidden input, put it inside the form tags also:
<input id="auth-form_command_id" name="auth-form[command_id]" type="hidden" value={}>
If the input form is cannot be clicked in any case, probably it is behind other elements. Please try to add the z-index style style="z-index: 1000 !important;"
in the form or input tags.