How to minimize parameter in row pandas dataframe

I have dataframe with bus stop arrival forecast:

path_id | forecast | forecast_made_at | bus_id
 int    | datetime |  datetime        | int

We make predictions every 5 minutes, so database entries can be duplicated. for example

In 11:50 we predict bus #11544 will arrive at 11:59
In 11:50 we predict bus #95447 will arrive at 11:55
In 11:55 we predict bus #11544 will arrive at 12:02

I want to get newest prediction with biggest forecast_made_at parameter:

res = pd.DataFrame()
for k, row in t_data.iterrows():
  prediction = dict(**row)
  forecasts = t_data[t_data["bus_id"] == prediction["bus_id"]] # Forecasts with the same bus_id
  prediction["best"] = (prediction["forecast_made_at"] == max(forecasts["forecast_made_at"]))
  res = res.append(prediction, ignore_index=True)

res = res[res["best"] == True]

In this code, we are working with dictionaries and not with pandas objects, so this one is very slow. How can I do this using pandas tools

Solution 1:

What you need is a combination of grouping by bus_id, sorting by date and selection of most recent row.

One option – dropping duplicates by bus_id and only keeping most recent record:

t_data.sort_values('forecast_made_at').drop_duplicates(subset=['bus_id'], keep='last')

Another option: Grouping by bus_id and selecting last record:


Solution 2:

Using this dataframe as an example

   path_id            forecast    forecast_made_at  bus_id
0        1 2018-01-01 14:10:00 2018-01-01 11:10:00       7
1        1 2018-01-01 14:10:00 2018-01-01 10:15:00       7
2        1 2018-01-01 14:10:00 2018-01-01 10:49:00       7
3        2 2018-09-10 03:05:00 2018-09-09 23:05:00       6
4        2 2018-09-10 03:05:00 2018-09-10 03:00:00       6
5        2 2018-09-10 03:05:00 2018-09-10 01:30:00       6
6        3 2018-04-21 17:32:00 2018-04-21 17:31:00       4
7        3 2018-04-21 17:32:00 2018-04-21 17:12:00       4
8        3 2018-04-21 17:32:00 2018-04-21 17:02:00       4

You can achieve that with the following

new_df = df.loc[df.groupby('forecast')['forecast_made_at'].idxmax()]

   path_id            forecast    forecast_made_at  bus_id
0        1 2018-01-01 14:10:00 2018-01-01 11:10:00       7
6        3 2018-04-21 17:32:00 2018-04-21 17:31:00       4
4        2 2018-09-10 03:05:00 2018-09-10 03:00:00       6