Making my own Vector. Whats wrong with it? [closed]

i am trying to make my own vector but i cant get it to work as i want. I get a error message on the Move-constructor it says: Exception thrown at 0x00007FF751A77ACC in auto-tests.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.

The first one got solved. But now i got the same error with another part of the code. The push_back finction, here is the code.

Here is the code for the move-constructor:

template<typename T>
inline Vector<T>::Vector(Vector&& other)
    : m_nrOfElements(other.m_nrOfElements), m_capacity(other.m_capacity)

    for (int i = 0; i < m_nrOfElements; i++)
        m_elements[i] = other.m_elements[i];   /// HERE IS WHERE THE ERROR IS!

    other.m_elements = nullptr;
    other.m_capacity = 0;
    other.m_nrOfElements = 0;

Solution 1:

You haven't allocated memory for m_elements - and you shouldn't, since this is a move constructor. Just use std::exchange to "steal" the pointer from other and replace it with the value you desire - that is, nullptr.


#include <utility>

template<typename T>
inline Vector<T>::Vector(Vector&& other)
    : m_nrOfElements(std::exchange(other.m_nrOfElements, 0),
      m_capacity(std::exchange(other.m_capacity, 0),
      m_elements(std::exchange(other.m_elements, nullptr))
    // constructor body can now be empty