How can I transfer values from an Observable to an other Observable?

How can achive it that "getObs" Observable have value from subscribe in OnInit method. I need getObs on html template for async pipe.The value (Mydata) what is comming from input decorator is a "Observable(boolean)" type.This is something with pipe and map i think but im not sure.

  templateUrl: 'my.html',
  styleUrls: ['my.scss'],

export class MyClass implements OnInit {
  @Input() data: ; 

  getObs$: Observable<boolean>;

  ngOnInit(): void {>.....???)

That's a standard scenario for using switchMap(), but you use this inside of .pipe() instead of .subscribe().

ngOnInit(): void {
    switchMap(myDataValue => getObs$.pipe(
      map(getObsValue => {
        // Do something with 'myDataValue' and 'getObsValue'