Deleting a row from a JavaScript object if it matches with all properties

Solution 1:

Don't even specify the properties as arguments. You can define them as an object itself.

This would also work

airport_data_1 = [
  { departure_time: "12:00", arrival_time: "03:00", city_id: "BOS" },
  { departure_time: "12:00", arrival_time: "03:00", city_id: "BOS" },
  { departure_time: "01:00", arrival_time: "04:00", city_id: "SFO" },
  { departure_time: "03:00", arrival_time: "05:00", city_id: "BOS" },
  { departure_time: "03:00", arrival_time: "05:00", city_id: "SFO" },
  { departure_time: "04:00", arrival_time: "06:00", city_id: "SJC" },
  { departure_time: "04:00", arrival_time: "06:00", city_id: "JFK" },
  { departure_time: "06:00", arrival_time: "09:00", city_id: "SJC" },

function remove_airport_row(arr, obj) {
  return arr.filter((row) => {
    // ingore the row if all the the properties matches to obj
    return !Object.entries(obj).every(([key, value]) => row[key] === value);

console.log(remove_airport_row(airport_data_1, {
  departure_time: "06:00",
  arrival_time: "09:00",
  city_id: "SJC",

Refer the docs: Object.entries, Array.prototype.every, Array.prototype.filter if you are not familiar with them.