How to write chain command with parameter in Cypress?
I'm trying to find an expander with its caption and click it.
When I'm doing it, it works:
cy.get('[caption="Radio Button"] > .expander-container').click();
I want to make this one as command.
Cypress.Commands.add('findExpanderByName', (Caption: string) => {
cy.get('[caption=Caption] > .expander-container').click();
And use it like this
cy.findExpanderByName("Radio Button");
However, it does not work cuz it Caption is not used as a variable.
How to get Caption variable value in command ?
You can do something like this:
Cypress.Commands.add('findExpanderByName', (Caption: string) => {
cy.get(`[caption=${Caption}] > .expander-container`).click();