How to disable zoom and pan in a geopandas map created with explore()

I've created a map with the explore() function in geopandas, but I want to fix the zoom level and disable mouse pan.

I've tried the following

     column="department", # make choropleth based on "department" column
     tooltip="decision_type", # show "decision_type" value in tooltip (on hover)
     popup=True, # show all values in popup (on click)
     tiles="CartoDB positron", # use "CartoDB positron" tiles
     cmap="Set1", # use "Set1" matplotlib colormap
     style_kwds=dict(color="black"), # use black outline

zoom_control=False disables the zoom buttons, but I haven't been able to disable zoom on scroll or pan. I tried adding dragging=False and scroll_wheel_zoom=False to the arguments, but it didn't work.

How do I pass the arguments to the folium object and/or leafletjs to achieve my goal?

If you take a look as within geopandas package, you will find there is a constant list of kwargs that are passed to folium / leaflet

Extending this list with parameters defined in leaflet that you want to use allows you to pass them from explore() call.

Below shows panning and zooming has been fully disabled.

import geopandas as gpd
import geopandas.explore

geopandas.explore._MAP_KWARGS += ["dragging", "scrollWheelZoom"]

world = gpd.read_file(gpd.datasets.get_path("naturalearth_lowres"))
world.loc[world["continent"].eq("Europe") & ~world["iso_a3"].isin(["RUS","-99"])].explore(
    # m=m,
    column="gdp_md_est",  # make choropleth based on "department" column
    tooltip="name",  # show "decision_type" value in tooltip (on hover)
    popup=True,  # show all values in popup (on click)
    tiles="CartoDB positron",  # use "CartoDB positron" tiles
    cmap="Set1",  # use "Set1" matplotlib colormap
    style_kwds=dict(color="black"),  # use black outline