Lambda Expression for FirstOrDefault with two parameters

You can call your Lambda function this way.

public GetRow()
   T currentRow = CompareRow; 
   var firstRow = Rows.First(row => Lambda(row, CompareRow));  // get first row that matches Lambda

   SelectedRow = firstRow;

Here is another example using string parameters:

List<string> names = new() { "Alice", "Bob", "Charlie" };
string nameToMatch = "Alice";
Func<string, string, bool> Lambda = (left, right) => left.GetHashCode() == right.GetHashCode();
var alice = names.First(name => Lambda(name, nameToMatch));
Console.WriteLine($"Hi {alice}");

You may have some issues setting Lambda. The type looks wrong Func<Entity, Entity, bool> is not Func<T, T, bool> as there are no constraints on what type T is.

You may want to consider adding a constraint on T, maybe something like this:

public class Model<T>
   where T : Entity
    public Func<Entity, Entity, bool> Lambda { get; set; }