Different colors for different keywords in listing environment doesn't work

Solution 1:

A very good answer was already given by user Symbol 1. Example language is in C++, but the way to style your code is the same:

Other keywords and symbols highlighting with lstlisting


\definecolor{main-color}{rgb}{0.6627, 0.7176, 0.7764}
\definecolor{back-color}{rgb}{0.1686, 0.1686, 0.1686}
\definecolor{string-color}{rgb}{0.3333, 0.5254, 0.345}
\definecolor{key-color}{rgb}{0.8, 0.47, 0.196}


    language = C++,
    basicstyle = {\ttfamily \color{main-color}},
    backgroundcolor = {\color{back-color}},
    stringstyle = {\color{string-color}},
    keywordstyle = {\color{key-color}},
    keywordstyle = [2]{\color{lime}},
    keywordstyle = [3]{\color{yellow}},
    keywordstyle = [4]{\color{teal}},
    otherkeywords = {;,<<,>>,++},
    morekeywords = [2]{;},
    morekeywords = [3]{<<, >>},
    morekeywords = [4]{++},

\begin{lstlisting}[firstnumber=1,language=C++, style=mystyle]

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int x = 2;

for (int i = 0; i < x; ++i) {
    cout << "stand_alone_complex" << endl;
