New line and whitespace at the end of a string


Write multiple if statements:

  • If car_year is 1969 or earlier, print "Few safety features."
  • If 1970 or later, print "Probably has seat belts."
  • If 1990 or later, print "Probably has antilock brakes."
  • If 2000 or later, print "Probably has airbags."

End each phrase with a period and a newline.

Sample output

For input: 1995

Probably has seat belts.
Probably has antilock brakes.


car_year = int(input())

if car_year <=1969:
    message='Few safety features'
if car_year >=1970:
    message1='Probably has seat belts'
if car_year >=1990:
    message2='Probably has antilock brakes'
if car_year >=2000:
    message3='Probably has airbags'


This is what I was getting originally:

  • two new-lines after the sentence (2nd highlighted in the image)

two new-lines after the sentence

After trying a few solutions I keep getting this:

  • a space after the sentence (highlighted in the image)

a space after the sentence

Sorry for the terrible explanation. I'm new to coding and don't know how to explain exactly what I'm thinking.

Solution 1:

You are adding a newline (\n) to the string, but print automatically adds a single newline after the string, so you get two newlines in total. Just remove the \ns to get a single newline (the one automatically added by print).

Solution 2:

You can use the end attribute of the print function for this

car_year = int(input())

if car_year <=1969:
    message='Few safety features'
    print(message+'.', end=" ")
if car_year >=1970:
    message1='Probably has seat belts'
    print(message1+'.', end="")
if car_year >=1990:
    message2='Probably has antilock brakes'
    print(message2+'.', end=" ")
if car_year >=2000:
    message3='Probably has airbags'
    print(message3+'.', end=" ")

Solution 3:

Solving the task step by step (iterative):

(1) implement all conditional cases (4 if-statements)

car_year = int(input())

if car_year <= 1969:
    print('Few safety features')
if car_year >= 1970:
    print('Probably has seat belts')
if car_year >= 1990:
    print('Probably has antilock brakes')
if car_year >= 2000:
    print('Probably has airbags')

Note some stylistic improvements and simplifications:

  1. surround operands by spaces to improve readability, for example

    instead less=x<1 prefer better = x > 1

  2. inline the strings/variables when only used once, for example

    instead message1 = constant; print(constant) prefer print('constant')

  3. start simple (KISS), for example:

    instead early optimization of format (period plus space at the end) start with print('phrase') and solve formatting in later iteration

(2) implement the formatting (how each phrase should end)

Read the docs about Python's built-in print function:

print(*objects, sep=' ', end='\n', file=sys.stdout, flush=False)

Print objects to the text stream file, separated by sep and followed by end.


  1. instead message+'.', end=" " like suggested by Avijeet's answer you can simply specify the whole terminating suffix as required: end='.\n' (period followed by newline).
  2. optional: keep it configurable at a central place with a variable phrase_end = '.\n'
phrase_end = '.\n'  # specify the required end

car_year = int(input())

if car_year <= 1969:
    print('Few safety features', end=phrase_end)  # add the argument; for each 
if car_year >= 1970:
    print('Probably has seat belts', end=phrase_end)
if car_year >= 1990:
    print('Probably has antilock brakes', end=phrase_end)
if car_year >= 2000:
    print('Probably has airbags', end=phrase_end)