Why does the larger of two curves have the lower integrated value using trapz from numpy?

Using trapz from numpy I get the following:

lewis_result_outer = np.trapz(lewis_few_elements_outer_y, x=lewis_few_elements_outer_x)
lewis_result_inner = np.trapz(lewis_few_elements_inner_y, x=lewis_few_elements_inner_x)
lewis_result = lewis_result_inner - lewis_result_outer
lewis_result_outer : 99.02254450000001
lewis_result_inner : 98.324206
lewis_result: -0.6983385000000055

Looking at a plot I made of the inner and outer result this is clearly wrong, figure code:

    plt.plot(lewis_few_elements_outer_x,      # X-axis
             lewis_few_elements_outer_y,      # Y-axis
             's',                       # Marker type
             color = 'green',           # Marker color
             markersize=6,              # Marker size
             alpha=0.5,                 # Gennemsigtighed
             label='Lewis 40 element, outer')                 
    plt.plot(lewis_few_elements_inner_x,      # X-axis
             lewis_few_elements_inner_y,      # Y-axis
             's',                       # Marker type
             color = 'blue',            # Marker color
             markersize=6,              # Marker size
             alpha=0.5,                 # Gennemsigtighed
             label='Lewis 40 element, inner')
    plt.xlabel("r/R", size=20)          # X-label name
    plt.ylabel("Cp for int", size=20)   # Y-label name

Link to plot img

The inner should be larger than the outer. However it's not, why?

I did make sure that the list I use are ordered as follows:


[0.004,0.015,0.04,0.076,0.125,0.174,0.243,0.312,0.38,0.46,0.541,0.618,0.692, 0.762,0.828,0.883,0.925,0.959,0.998]



Solution 1:

Incidental, but you can trivially verify that trapz(y, x) is just

(0.5 * (y[1:] + y[:-1]) * (x[1:] - x[:-1])).sum()

As it turns out, the issue is one of scaling and span. Your chart shows the segments as being wildly different, but notice that the height difference is on the order of ~0.4 out of ~100. Here is a plot showing the segments you are adding up in a more representative scale:

enter image description here

Very clearly, lewis_few_elements_outer_x spans a noticeably wider domain than lewis_few_elements_inner_x. So no matter what the tiny differences at the top of the function may look like, it's the right margin that matters.

>>> np.ptp(lewis_few_elements_outer_x)
>>> np.ptp(lewis_few_elements_inner_x)

Off the cuff, you're trading a ~0.3% height decrease for a ~1% increase in width, and sure enough, the discrepancy is approximately 0.7% in favor of the wider dataset.

Plot code for reference:

l, = plt.plot(lewis_few_elements_inner_x, lewis_few_elements_inner_y, label='inner')
for x, y in zip(lewis_few_elements_inner_x, lewis_few_elements_inner_y):
    plt.plot([x, x], [y, 0], c=l.get_color())
l, = plt.plot(lewis_few_elements_outer_x, lewis_few_elements_outer_y, label='outer')
for x, y in zip(lewis_few_elements_outer_x, lewis_few_elements_outer_y):
    plt.plot([x, x], [y, 0], c=l.get_color())