Remove extra nesting from dictionary

I have this dictionary:

mydict = {'KEY': {'KEY': {'KEY': {'KEY': ['mylist']}}}}

Is there any pythonic way to remove the nested keys and get to the last item obtaining this:

{'KEY': ['mylist']}

Without having to manually go one by one through the items like:

def simplify_dict(d: dict) -> dict:
    for k, v in d.items():
        for k1, v1 in v.items():
            for k2, v2 in v1.items():
                for k3, v3 in v2.items():
                    return {k: v3}

Assuming that what you are looking for is a dictionary formed of the leaf dictionaries in a hierarchy, you could do it iteratively by progressively replacing keys that contain a dictionary with the content of that dictionary:

mydict = {'KEY': 
                   {'KEY': ['mylist']}

while dict in map(type,mydict.values()):
    subKeys = [k for k in mydict if isinstance(mydict[k],dict)]
    mydict.update([kv for s in subKeys for kv in mydict.pop(s).items()])
{'KEY4': [7, 8], 'KEY3': [1, 2, 3], 'KEY': ['mylist']}

If you want it as a new dictionary (instead of in-place), a recursive function is probably the most elegant way to achieve it:

def leaf(D):
    return { k:v for s,d in D.items()
             for k,v in (leaf(d).items() if isinstance(d,dict) else [(s,d)]) }

{'KEY': ['mylist'], 'KEY3': [1, 2, 3], 'KEY4': [7, 8]}

If you're ok with using libraries, a ChainMap could be used to implement the recursive function:

from collections import ChainMap
def leaf(D):
    return ChainMap(*(leaf(d) if type(d)==dict else {k:d}
                      for k,d in D.items()))

ld = leaf(mydict)

('KEY4', [7, 8]) ('KEY3', [1, 2, 3]) ('KEY', ['mylist'])

{'KEY4': [7, 8], 'KEY3': [1, 2, 3], 'KEY': ['mylist']}

This is a recursive function that also does some basic checks on the input dict.

def reduce_dict(d):
    for k,v in d.items():
        if isinstance(v, dict) \
        and len(v) == 1 \
        and k in v.keys():
            return reduce_dict(v)
    return d

mydict = {'KEY': {'KEY': {'KEY': {'KEY': ['mylist']}}}}

#{'KEY': ['mylist']}