Mapping the same Json key in different variables in the same object

Solution 1:

The issue is due to the fact that your class rate and ratePPR fields match the same json rate property either in the deserialization process or serialization process, so as precondition you have to change the name of one of them. One way to solve the problem as from the user Lino's comment below your question is define a JsonCreator annotated constructor with a float parameter annotated with the @JsonProperty("rate") and inside define the two fields:

public class UsageRate implements Serializable {

    public UsageRate(@JsonProperty("rate") float rate) {
        this.rateIntegerPart = (int) rate;
        this.ratePPR = rate;

    private int rateIntegerPart;

    private Float ratePPR;

The JsonIgnore annotation excludes the rateIntegerPart from the serialization :

//json = {"rate":10.0}
UsageRate rate = mapper.readValue(json, UsageRate.class);
System.out.println(rate); //it prints UsageRate(rateIntegerPart=10, ratePPR=10.0)
System.out.println(mapper.writeValueAsString(rate)); // it prints {"rate":10.0}