Extracting part of an element in a python dictionary

I'm trying to extract only the key of an element in my dictionary but I can only figure out how to append the value.

this is my dictionary:

{"Java": 10, "Ruby": 80, "Python": 65}

I want the output to be the languages with a grade higher than 60. In this case

"Ruby", "Python"

This is my code but with the append() function, I can only extract the grade.

def my_languages(results):
    output = [] 

    for i in results:
        if results[i] >= 60:
    return output

Thank you all in advance

This is basic Python, please check the docs and some examples online

def my_languages(results):
    output = [] 
    for lang, grade in results.items():
        if grade >= 60:
    return output