How to combine 2 list based on a common key value in Ansible Jinja2

I am trying to combine a particular value into a list based on a common key(organizationId) value from a JSON array. Here i am using a Jinja template to create a Json file that will be used for further processing. So here sample.json is the JSON file from where the test.j2(Jinja template) will be fetching the values to make a final JSON(mentioned below as Expected output)


        "id": "111222333444627213",
        "organizationId": "111222333444624074"
        "id": "111222333444627214",
        "organizationId": "111222333444624074"
        "id": "111222333444627216",
        "organizationId": "111222333444624074"
        "id": "111222333444627217",
        "organizationId": "12345678"


  {% for dict_item in sample.json %}
       "{{ dict_item['id']}}"
}{% if not loop.last %},
  {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}

Expected Output


Jinja2 is not needed. Instead, iterate the list created by the filter groupby. For example

    - set_fact:
        output: "{{ output|d([]) + [{'orgid': item.0,
                                     'objectIds': item.1|
                                                  list}] }}"
      loop: "{{ sample.json|groupby('organizationId') }}"


  - objectIds:
    - '111222333444627213'
    - '111222333444627214'
    - '111222333444627216'
    orgid: '111222333444624074'
  - objectIds:
    - '111222333444627217'
    orgid: '12345678'