Arrays.fill() - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

Solution 1:

Read the corresponding java doc: the 3rd parameter is the last index to fill. So the method "fills" from the first given index to that index -1

So you have to pass the indexes you care about, not the current content at those indexes!

Arrays.fill(nums, 0, size-1 ,0);

And note, the exception messages would have told you that you tried to access an invalid index. So the real answer is: read the exception messages carefully, and: read the javadoc for the library calls you are using even more carefully.

Solution 2:

The ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Happens when the developer call index is not found in the array, so I have checked the size of the array and Marco needs to set all values of the array zeros except the last one. the method fill works like this => Arrays.fill( ARRAY,FIREST_INDEX, LAST_IDNEX,VALUE) ;

 public static int[] makeLast(int[] nums) {
        int size = nums.length;
        if (size != 0) {
            Arrays.fill(nums, 0, size - 1, 0);
        return nums;