Declaration merging for Joi types

I want to narrow the type property of the ValidationErrorItem from Joi using declaration merging.

The interface in Joi looks like this:

declare namespace Joi {
   interface ValidationErrorItem {
        message: string;
        path: Array<string | number>;
        type: string;
        context?: Context;

My index.d.ts in src/types looks like this:

import { Context } from 'joi'

declare namespace Joi {
  type ValidationErrorItemType = 'any.required' | 'date.format'
  export interface ValidationErrorItem {
    message: string
    path: Array<string | number>
    type: ValidationErrorItemType
    context?: Context

This is my include in tsconfig.json:

 "include": ["src/**/*", "types/types.d.ts"]

However, VS Code still shows type to be of type string instead of ValidationErrorItem and when using it in a switch statement I can still use any string without getting compiler warnings.


This is my tsconfig.json

  "compilerOptions": {
    "module": "commonjs",
    "esModuleInterop": true,
    "declaration": true,
    "target": "es6",
    "moduleResolution": "node",
    "sourceMap": true,
    "outDir": "dist",
    "baseUrl": ".",
    "paths": {
      "*": ["node_modules/*", "src/types/*"]
  "include": ["src/**/*", "types/joi.ts"]

This is my joi.d.ts based on the answer from @tymzap:

declare module 'joi' {
  // full path to joi typings is used to avoid circular import path
  import type { Context } from 'joi/lib/index'
  export { default } from 'joi/lib/index'

  type ValidationErrorItemType = 'any.required' | 'date.format'

  export type ValidationErrorItem = {
    message: string
    path: Array<string | number>
    type: ValidationErrorItemType
    context?: Context

This is my sample usage: => {
    const x: ValidationErrorItem = i as ValidationErrorItem
    switch (x.type) {
      case 'any.required':


Solution 1:

You can't narrow the type using interface merging. This operation extends types, not overrides them. Extending ValidationErrorItemType with string gives ValidationErrorItemType | string, that's why you still can use any string.

To achieve this you can redeclare Joi module. Modify the type to your needs and export it after reexporting original Joi typings.


declare module 'joi' {
  // full path to joi typings is used to avoid circular import path
  import type { Context } from 'joi/lib/index';
  export * from 'joi/lib/index';
  export { default } from 'joi/lib/index';

  type ValidationErrorItemType = 'any.required' | 'date.format';

  export type ValidationErrorItem = {
    message: string;
    path: Array<string | number>;
    type: ValidationErrorItemType;
    context?: Context;


import type { ValidationErrorItem } from 'joi';

const test: ValidationErrorItem = {
  // error: Type '"wrong.type"' is not assignable to type 'ValidationErrorItemType'.
  type: 'wrong.type',
  message: 'dummy message',
  path: ['dummy-path'],

This way you can effectively override given type from library, without merging with its original signature.

Edit: Joi uses old export = syntax, depending on your compiler settings this could lead to errors based on typings flavour incompatibility. In this case you can add this line to tsconfig:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "skipLibCheck": true