List of arrays into .txt file without brackets and well spaced

I'm trying to save .txt file of a list of arrays as follow :

list_array =
[array([-20.10400009,  -9.94099998, -27.10300064]),
 array([-20.42099953,  -9.91499996, -27.07099915]),

This is the line I invoked.

np.savetxt('path/file.txt', list_array, fmt='%s')

This is what I get

[-20.10400009  -9.94099998 -27.10300064]
[-20.42099953  -9.91499996 -27.07099915]

This is what I want

-20.10400009 -9.94099998 -27.10300064
-20.42099953 -9.91499996 -27.07099915


It is translated from Matlab as followed where I .append to transform

Cell([array([[[-20.10400009,  -9.94099998, -27.10300064]]]),
       array([[[-20.42099953,  -9.91499996, -27.07099915]]]),
       array([[[-20.11199951,  -9.88199997, -27.16399956]]]),
       array([[[-19.99500084, -10.0539999 , -27.13899994]]]),
       array([[[-20.4109993 ,  -9.87100029, -27.12800026]]])],

I cannot really see what is wrong with your code, except for the missing imports. With array, do you mean numpy.array, or are you importing like from numpy import array (which you should refrain from doing)?

Running this example gives exactly what you want.

import numpy as np

list_array = [np.array([-20.10400009,  -9.94099998, -27.10300064]),
 np.array([-20.42099953,  -9.91499996, -27.07099915])]

np.savetxt('test.txt', list_array, fmt='%s')
> cat test.txt
-20.10400009 -9.94099998 -27.10300064
-20.42099953 -9.91499996 -27.07099915