"Request method 'POST' not supported" when I try to save Person due to <form method="POST">

Controller methods where can be mistaken:

Here I go to URL "/create" with <form method="POST>

    public ModelAndView create() {

        ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView();
        return modelAndView;

This is create.jsp

<%@ page isELIgnored="false"%>
<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" %>

        <h1>Create author</h1>
        <form method="POST" action="">
            Id <input name="userId"> <br>
            Last name: <input name="lastName"> <br>
            First name: <input name="firstName"> <br>
            Second name: <input name="secondName"> <br>
            Phone: <input name="phone"> <br>
            Hobby: <input name="hobby"> <br>
            BitBucketUrl: <input name="bitBucketUrl"> <br>
            <input type="submit" value="Create">

And finally @Postmapping method

    public ModelAndView createPerson(
    @RequestParam("id") String id,
    @RequestParam("lastName") String lastName, 
    @RequestParam("firstName") String firstName, 
    @RequestParam("secondName") String secondName, 
    @RequestParam("phone") String phone, 
    @RequestParam("hobby") String hobby, 
    @RequestParam("bitBucketUrl") String bitBucketUrl) {
            ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView();
            modelAndView.addObject("id", id);
            modelAndView.addObject("lastName", lastName);
            modelAndView.addObject("firstName", firstName);
            modelAndView.addObject("secondName", secondName);
            modelAndView.addObject("phone", phone);
            modelAndView.addObject("hobby", hobby);
            modelAndView.addObject("bitBucketUrl", bitBucketUrl);
            return modelAndView;

Page all.jsp is working (realized in method @GetMapping("/all")).

I want, when the button "create" is pushed, go to page "/all", where I can see a new Person. But I take an error "Request method 'POST' not supported" in the terminal, and error "type=Method Not Allowed, status=405" in the browser.

Also I create default page index.jsp, and try modelAndView.setViewName("/index.jsp") in @PostMapping method, but unfortunately, even in this case, when I push "create" browser don't go to index.jsp

Solution 1:

By default browser does get-requests only, so create another controller method with get-mapping and add person object to the model so that you can set values in the view page and when you press submit give post-mapping so that you can assign values that are entered in view page to the person object.

Solution 2:

Browser address bar sends GET requests. You can use smth like Postman to send requests which you need.