Possible to do a chained factorial method without a helper method


I would suggest writing your math module with ordinary functions. You can provide an InlineMath class as a thin wrapper around the plain functions. This makes it easier to write both the ordinary functions and the class -

// math.js
const minus = (a, b) => a - b
const plus = (a, b) => a + b
const times = (a, b) => a * b
const factorial = a => a == 0 ? 1 : times(a, factorial(minus(a, 1)))
const math = a => new InlineMath(a)

class InlineMath {
  constructor(t) { this.t = t }
  factorial() { return math(factorial(this.t)) }
  minus(x) { return math(minus(this.t, x)) }
  plus(x) { return math(plus(this.t, x)) }
  times(x) { return math(times(this.t, x)) }
  toNumber() { return this.t }

export { math, minus, plus, times, factorial }
// main.js
import { math } from "./math.js"


have your cake and eat it too

One understated advantage of the approach above is that we have a dual interface for our math module. We can use it in the proposed object-oriented way as demonstrated above, or we can use it with a functional approach -

// main.js
import { plus, times, factorial } from "./math"


low-hanging fruit

Maybe it would be cool if math could support really big numbers?

// math.js
const minus = (a, b) => BigInt(a) - BigInt(b)
const plus = (a, b) => BigInt(a) + BigInt(b)
const times = (a, b) => BigInt(a) * BigInt(b)
const factorial = a =>  /* unchanged */
const math = a =>  /* unchanged */

class InlineMath {
  /* ... */
  toString() { return this.t.toString() }

export { math, minus, plus, times, factorial }
// main.js
import { math } from "./math.js"


(5!)! = 120! =



Run the snippet below to verify the result of in your own browser -

// math.js module
const minus = (a, b) => BigInt(a) - BigInt(b)
const plus = (a, b) => BigInt(a) + BigInt(b)
const times = (a, b) => BigInt(a) * BigInt(b)
const factorial = a => a == 0 ? 1 : times(a, factorial(minus(a, 1)))
const math = a => new InlineMath(a)

class InlineMath {
  constructor(t) { this.t = t }
  factorial() { return math(factorial(this.t)) }
  minus(x) { return math(minus(this.t, x)) }
  plus(x) { return math(plus(this.t, x)) }
  times(x) { return math(times(this.t, x)) }
  toNumber() { return this.t.toString() }

// main.js

Multiple mistakes here.

  • Don't reassign this.x, keep your instances immutable.
  • the factorial method should not take a parameter, it should use the value stored in the instance
  • consequently, the recursive call of factorial needs to be made on a different instance, and not be given an argument
  • the factorial method must always return a new instance, not nothing like your current else branch.

With some renaming:

class InlineNumber {
    constructor(n) {
        this.n = n
    factorial() {
        if (this.n == 1) {
            // return 1
            return this;
        } else {
            // return n * (n-1)!
            return this.times(this.minus(new InlineNumber(1)).factorial());
    minus(subtrahend) {
        return new InlineNumber(this.n - subtrahend.n);
    times(multiplicand) {
        return new InlineNumber(this.n * multiplicand.n);
    valueOf() {
        return this.n;
const x = new InlineNumber(3);