Adding elements to a div using React Hooks

I'm creating a todo list with React and found out that we use states in react unlike innerHTML or appendChild() in Javascript.

Here's where I'm facing the problem: When a user clicks a Button, a simple todo is added to the parent Div, and I mean 'Added not Replaced.

However, when using react hooks useState(), It's just replacing the element, but I want to Add it to the div. Here's the code:

export default function TodoContainer() {

let [item, setItem] = useState('Nothing to show...');

function handleClick() {
    setItem(item += <TodoItems/>)
return (

    <div className="wholeContainer">
        <div className="tododiv">
            <span className="todos">Todos: </span>
        <button className="add" onClick={handleClick}>
        <i className="fas fa-plus"></i>
            Add a Todo


So, when using setItem(item + <TodoItem/>), it just shows : [object Object]

Please help me, I don't know almost nothing about react as I just recently started learning it. By the way, the <TodoItems/> returns a div with a todo and its detail inside of it.


Yes, when you item += <TodoItems/> you are appending a JSX literal to a (possibly) string, and the result seems to be interpreted as a Javascript object. Objects are not valid JSX and renderable.

You may want an array of todos for the state, and when adding a new todo add only the data, not the JSX. When adding a todo to the array you need to create a new array reference and shallow copy the previous state. You'll map the state to JSX in the render return.


export default function TodoContainer() {
  const [todos, setTodos] = useState([]);

  function handleClick() {
    setTodos(todos => [...todos, "new todo"]);

  return (
    <div className="wholeContainer">
      <div className="tododiv">
        <span className="todos">Todos: </span>
          ? => <TodoItems key={todo} todo={todo} />)
          : 'Nothing to show...'
        <button className="add" onClick={handleClick}>
          <i className="fas fa-plus"></i>
          Add a Todo