How to create new column in dataframe based on condition from other dataframe?

df1 = pd.DataFrame({"DEPTH":[0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5],
                     "POROSITY":[10, 22, 15, 30, 20],
                     "WELL":"well 1"})

df2 = pd.DataFrame({"Well":"well 1",
                    "Marker":["Fm 1","Fm 2"],
                    "Depth":[0.7, 1.7]})

Hello everyone. I have two dataframes and I would like to create a new column on df1, for example: df1["FORMATIONS"], with information from df2["Marker"] values based on depth limits from df2["Depth"] and df1["DEPTH"].

So, for example, if df2["Depth"] = 1.7, then all samples in df1 with df1["DEPTH"] > 1.7 should be labelled as "Fm 2" in this new column df1["FORMATIONS"].

And the final dataframe df1 should look like this:

0.5     10        well 1     nan
1       22        well 1     Fm 1
1.5     15        well 1     Fm 1
2       30        well 1     Fm 2
2.5     20        well 1     Fm 2

Anyone could help me?

Solution 1:

What you're doing here is transforming continuous data into categorical data. There are many ways to do this with pandas, but one of the better known ways is using pandas.cut.

When specifying the bins argument, you need to add float(inf) to the end of the list, to represent that the last bin goes to infinity.

df1["FORMATIONS"] = pd.cut(df1.DEPTH, list(df2.Depth) + [float('inf')], labels=df2.Marker)

df1 will now be:

Table of results

Solution 2:

Use pandas.merge_asof:

NB. the columns used for the merge need to be sorted first

              df2[['Marker', 'Depth']].rename(columns={'Marker': 'Formations'}),
              left_on='DEPTH', right_on='Depth')


   DEPTH  POROSITY    WELL Formations  Depth
0    0.5        10  well 1        NaN    NaN
1    1.0        22  well 1       Fm 1    0.7
2    1.5        15  well 1       Fm 1    0.7
3    2.0        30  well 1       Fm 2    1.7
4    2.5        20  well 1       Fm 2    1.7