For loop an argument

I want to calculate the power of a full factorial design using the skpr and AlgDesign packages. I included my code below with a picture of the output. I want to do a for loop that iterates .1 from 0-2.5 for the effectsize argument inside the eval_design function. I want to create a table that has the parameter column and then columns of power by .1 of effectsize. I included a picture of a spreadsheet that I am trying to reproduce. Is there a way to use a for loop on an argument?

I appreciate any help.


FL = expand.grid(A = as.factor(c("-1", "0", "1")), 
                 B = as.factor(c("-1", "1")), 
                 C = as.factor(c("-1", "1")))

Design = gen_design(candidateset = FL, 
                    model =~A + B + C + A:B + B:C + A:C,
                    trials = 12)

Powertable  = eval_design(design = Design, 
                          alpha = .2, 
                          effectsize = .1,  
                          detailedoutput = TRUE) 


Output of Code

enter image description here


enter image description here

To do this using a loop, just replace the effectsize argument with the iterator like below.

FL = expand.grid(A = as.factor(c("-1", "0", "1")), 
                 B = as.factor(c("-1", "1")), 
                 C = as.factor(c("-1", "1")))

Design = gen_design(candidateset = FL, 
                    model =~A + B + C + A:B + B:C + A:C,
                    trials = 12)

result <- data.frame(param = rep(NA, times = 17))

for (i in seq(0, 2.5, by = 0.1)) {
  Powertable  = eval_design(design = Design, 
                            alpha = .2, 
                            effectsize = i,  
                            detailedoutput = TRUE) 
  if (all([, "param"]))) {
    result[, "param"] <- Powertable$parameter
  result[, paste("effect", i, sep = "_")] <- Powertable$power

> head(result[, 1:5])
        param effect_0 effect_0.1 effect_0.2 effect_0.3
1 (Intercept)      0.2  0.2043084  0.2170947  0.2379503
2           A      0.2  0.2015984  0.2063745  0.2142712
3           B      0.2  0.2043084  0.2170947  0.2379503
4           C      0.2  0.2043084  0.2170947  0.2379503
5         A:B      0.2  0.2015984  0.2063745  0.2142712
6         B:C      0.2  0.2043084  0.2170947  0.2379503