Populating column B with calculated values based on column A with single statement

I need to take the value from column A, calculate something and insert the result into column B. The rows in column A contain a lot of duplicates. So maybe this can be used to an advantage. If possible this should be done in a single statement.


This is what the table1 looks like in the beginning:

columnA          columnB
'  apple'   
' melon '   
'  apple'   
' melon '   

The strings in columnA do have unnecessary whitespaces and the rows in columnB are empty.

And this is what table1 should look like in the end:

columnA          columnB
'  apple'        'apple'
' melon '        'melon'   
'  apple'        'apple'
' melon '        'melon'

The rows in columnB are populated with the trimmed versions of the strings in columnA.

Is it possible to do this in one statement?

Answer: The answer from @Ergest Basha made it clear, that this can be done with a simple statement:

UPDATE table1 SET columnB =  TRIM(columnA);


You can create the newcolumn and if you do not have an id autoincrement you can add it ,too.

CREATE TABLE fruitamount(
id INT,
name varchar(10),
amount int);

insert into fruitamount values
(1,'  apple',2),
(2,' melon ',5),
(3,'  apple',1),
(4,' melon ',4);

alter table fruitamount add  column newcolumn varchar(10) ;

update fruitamount set newcolumn = TRIM(name) ;

After update you can drop the column:

alter table fruitamount drop  column name  ;