Search is not working in ElasticSearch for words ending with 's' 'y' 'e'

Solution 1:

Root cause of the issue is stemmer. As per elastic search docs, Algorithmic stemmers apply a series of rules to each word to reduce it to its root form.

For example, an algorithmic stemmer for English may remove the -s and -es suffixes from the end of plural words. You can refer to following sites for more detail:,porter%20stemming%20algorithm%20for%20English.

In your application mapping.json file you can remove if any stemmer configuration is already present.

"settings": {
"analysis": {
**// Remove whole filter element below. line# 4 to 9
  "filter": {
    "custom_english_stemmer": {
      "type": "stemmer",
      "name": "english"
  "normalizer": {
    "useLowercase": {
      "type": "custom",
      "filter": [
  "tokenizer": {
    "custom_tokenizer": {
      "type": "ngram",
      "min_gram": 1,
      "max_gram": 10,
      "token_chars": [
  "analyzer": {
    "NGram_analyzer": {
      "tokenizer": "custom_tokenizer",
      "filter": [
        **// Remove stemmer from filter below. line#35
    "custom_analyzer": {
      "tokenizer": "standard",
      "filter": [
        **// Remove stemmer from filter below. line#44
      "type": "custom"
"max_ngram_diff": "50"


If your application does not have any searchable description field which can have plural words then you can remove stemmer from your configuration and it should work fine.