MongoDB "update()" (Update the document of “Reg Rubio” and “Ian Tayao” by adding the “President” to their Reporting file)

I use this codes manually

db.employees.update({Name: "Reg Rubio"}, {$set : {ReportingTo: ["Vice-President", "President"]}})

db.employees.update({Name: "Ian Tayao"}, {$set : {ReportingTo: ["Secretary", "Vice-President", "President"]}}) 

to update my data. Is their other way to to combine this in one function?

Solution 1:

So.. no.. , there is no way to update two separate documents using an 2 different inputs in 1 db call.

To optimize network traffic you can use bulkWrite, this still executes each update separately in the db but it only sends the request over network once, reducing the overhead for all the traffic. This is the only optimization you can add and for only 2 calls I would say it's somewhat negligent.