How to create a Text widget with exactly two lines of text in flutter?

I want to create a Text widget with exactly two lines of text even if text's length is too small or too large.

I can limit upper-bound of line count with maxLines like below:

    maxLines: 2,
    style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodyText1?.copyWith(
        color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.onSurface,
        fontWeight: FontWeight.w400,

I saw some answers where it is suggested to use a SizedBox to fix the height of content. I didn't feel right to hardcode this value.

I am looking for something like lines in Android's TextView. What else can I do to achieve this in Flutter?


From the help of comments & answers below, I am using following code now:

static String enforceLineCount(String text, int lines) {
    String nextLineCharacters = "";
    for (int index = 0; index < (lines - 1); index++) {
        nextLineCharacters += "\n";
    return text + nextLineCharacters;

    maxLines: 2,
    style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodyText1?.copyWith(
        color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.onSurface,
        fontWeight: FontWeight.w400,

the line break \n is a placeholder for 2 lines. The subtitle shift them down... and the maxLines condition is cutting them away :-)