How to get an array of elements of one model from the form core?

Solution 1:

1.If you just want to post single model, but the backend you want receive the IEnumerable<Check>, you need add name attribute(name="[0].propertyName") to override the asp-for generated name="check.propertyName"

2.For your code, it will generate multiple forms with submit button. If you want to post an array model, you need move <form> and submit button outside foreach loop.

3.If post array model from view to controller. The IEnumerable<Check> Checks is a list model, so the model binding system would find the name by [i].propertyName.

4.<p> element text cannot passed to backend by form submit. If you want to post it, try to add a hidden input.

If post array model from view to controller, change your view like below:

@model IEnumerable<Check>
    int i=0;  //add this...
<form asp-action="Check" asp-controller="Home" method="post">
    @foreach (var check in Model)
          <input type="text"asp-for="@check.Text" name="[@i].Text" hidden/>  @* //add the hidden input*@
                                                     //add the name...
       <p><input type="text"asp-for="@check.Number1" name="[@i].Number1"/></p>

      @if(check.Number1 == check.Number2)
        i++;  //add this...
    <div class="form-group">
         <input type="submit" value="Ok" class="btn btn-default" />

If you post single model, change your view like below:

@foreach (var check in Model)
    <form asp-action="Check " asp-controller="Home" method="post">

      <input type="text"asp-for="@check.Text" name="[0].Text" hidden/>  @* //add the hidden input*@
                                                  @*add the name...*@
    <p><input type="text"asp-for="@check.Number1" name="[0].Number1"/></p>

     @if(check.Number1 == check.Number2)
    <div class="form-group">
        <input type="submit" value="Ok" class="btn btn-default" />