Python/Pandas - If Column A equals X or Y, then assign value from Col B. If not, then assign Col C. How to write in Python?
I'm having trouble formulating this statement in Pandas that would be very simple in excel. I have a dataframe sample as follows:
colA colB colC
10 0 27:15 John Doe
11 0 24:33 John Doe
12 1 29:43 John Doe
13 Inactive John Doe None
14 N/A John Doe None
Obviously the dataframe is much larger than this, with 10,000+ rows, so I'm trying to find an easier way to do this. I want to create a column that checks if colA is equal to 0 or 1. If so, then equals colC. If not, then equals colC. In excel, I would simply create a new column (new_col) and write
And then drag fill the entire sheet.
I'm sure this is fairly simple but I cannot for the life of me figure this out.
Result should look like this
colA colB colC new_col
10 0 27:15 John Doe John Doe
11 0 24:33 John Doe John Doe
12 1 29:43 John Doe John Doe
13 Inactive John Doe None John Doe
14 N/A John Doe None John Doe
should do the trick.
df['new_col'] = np.where(df['colA'].isin([0, 1]), df['colB'], df['colC'])