Can I fetch Transfers associated with a Stripe Payout?

When I receive a payout created or paid webhook from Stripe, and I have the payout id, is there a way to fetch all the transfers that were created for that payout?

I can fetch the payout like this

var service = new PayoutService();
var payout = await service.GetAsync("po_1KJOuO***********h8S");

It looks like the payout has a "BalanceTransaction" property, but I'm not sure if it would contain "Transfers" as I don't see it in the Stripe docs

For transfers related to a specific Payout you can specify the type attribute in your request to the Balance Transactions API /v1/balance_transactions. You can also expand the source attribute on the Balance Transaction object to get the related payout object as well in a single request.

Below is an example of how you make this request in Python using the official Stripe library

transfers = stripe.BalanceTransaction.list(,